UPDATE 5/7/09
NOTICE: Why has my regular support amount changed?
Your overall support order amount will not change unless your case has recently been modified or a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) has been applied. However, the amount you see in each payment may change.
Our new system, New Jersey Kids Deserve Support (NJKiDS), is designed to make payments as they come due. If an obligor overpays the amount due on a case or makes a payment prior to the payment due date, the system will pay out the amount due and hold the overage until further payments become due.
Also, in situations where an obligor’s payment is being applied to multiple cases, you may experience a change in the amount of the usual support payment. As always, in order to comply with federal requirements, our system will pay the current child support due first for all of an obligor’s cases. After all the current child support is satisfied, any remaining money will be applied to any spousal/alimony orders or any arrears.
UPDATE 3/05/09
NOTICE: The NJ Child Support Program has been undertaking a complete upgrading of its automated computer system. The second phase of this change to the new system has been completed and the regular payment schedule has resumed. Please continue to check this website for updates regarding the upgrading of our new system.
UPDATE 2/18/09
NOTICE: To improve customer service to you and strengthen New Jersey's child support program, we are converting to a new, enhanced child support information system. The second group of child support cases - those cases in Bergen, Passaic, Warren, Sussex, Morris, Hunterdon, Somerset and Monmouth Counties - will move to the new system in March.
Click here for additional details.
UPDATE 12/01/08
NOTICE: If you receive child support payments via the NJ Debit Card – NJ Debit Cards (EPPICards) issued in 2006 are being replaced in 2009. Please make sure your address is current with your local Probation Office.
Click here for additional details.
UPDATE 11/21/08
On November 17, 2008 Governor Jon S. Corzine signed into law a bill to bring New Jersey into compliance with federal law that requires that the State pay to the federal government a $25 annual fee for collection of certain child support payments.
This bill has been misrepresented in some recent news reports as a late fee on delinquent child support accounts that would be billed to and collected from the non-custodial parent.
In fact, the State has opted to pay the annual fee itself rather than passing it on to either parent as allowed by federal law so that child support payments to New Jersey’s children are not affected. Recipients of child support services should notice no effect on their child support as a result of this fee requirement.
Click here for additional details.
UPDATE 10/27/08
Case information is now available online for all customers. The redesigned case information webpage contains all of the previously displayed payment and case information; however, case events are not currently available for NJKiDS cases in Ocean County. Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve this issue and offer you enhanced service.
NJKiDS customers in Ocean County who access the case information webpage from favorites or bookmarks must enter the case information section from http://www.njchildsupport.org/CaseInfo.asp to login the first time.
UPDATE 10/23/08
Customers in Ocean County may be experiencing difficulty in accessing case payment information online. Please be patient while we address this issue. Payment information may be obtained at 1-800-621-5437.
UPDATE 10/06/2008
The NJ Child Support Program has been undertaking a complete upgrading of its automated computer system. The first phase of this change to the new system has been completed and the regular payment schedule has resumed. Please continue to check this website for updates regarding the upgrading of our new system.
Customers in Ocean County may be experiencing difficulty in accessing case payment information online. Please be patient while we address this issue. Payment information may be obtained at 1-800-621-5437.
UPDATE 10/02/2008
Child Support customers have recently received notice regarding implementation of the new child support system. Please be advised that we are aware some custodial parents may have received both their notice and the non-custodial parent’s notice. If you received more than one notice, or a notice to the non-custodial parent, please destroy the document. Rest assured that no address information was compromised and a corrected mailing will be issued shortly.