
When the non-custodial parent has regular employment, the preferred method of payment is income withholding, whereby a notice is sent to the employer, indicating the court-ordered amount, including any applicable arrears, to deduct from the non-custodial parent's paycheck. I...
/Services-Programs/Non-Custodial-Parents/Enforcement-Making-sure-child-support-gets-paid/Income-withholding 6/7/2012 6:49:29 PM
Many years ago there was an Emperor so exceedingly fond of new clothes that he spent all his money on being well dressed. He cared nothing about reviewing his soldiers, going to the theatre, or going for a ride in his carriage, except to show off his new clothes. He had a ...
/Resources-Forms/News-Events/Read-with-your-child/DECEMBER-The-Emperor’s-New-Clothes 8/7/2012 7:42:03 PM
A : Contact 1-877-NJKIDS1 (1-877-655-4371) for all of your Child Support needs.  
/Frequent-Questions/FAQs-Folder/Child-Support-Guidelines/How-can-I-get-More-Information 6/1/2012 12:38:21 PM
Click here to view the interactive infographic. PDF: English version | Spanish version Termination of Child Support Law* On February 1, 2017, the termination of child support law went into effect.  This law established 19 as the age when a child support an...
/Termination-(1) 3/6/2017 4:16:56 PM
A : The support amount is based on what you earn - not what you spend. For most of us, there is a limit to what we can earn, because of the company we work for, the value of the job(s) we do, or the number of hours in a day. We only have so much control over what we earn. BUT...
/Frequent-Questions/FAQs-Folder/Child-Support-Guidelines/Why-don-t-they-ask-about-my-expenses 6/1/2012 12:38:20 PM
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