
The custodial parent is the parent who has custody of the child and who has filed for support services. A grandparent, relative or guardian of the child(ren) may be the custodial parent if that person has custody and has filed for support services. Support payments are paid th...
/Frequent-Questions/FAQs-Folder/General/Who-is-the-custodial-parent 6/1/2012 12:38:13 PM
The non-custodial parent is the person who has a responsibility to support the child(ren) and who is ordered to pay support to the custodial parent through the Child Support program.  
/Frequent-Questions/FAQs-Folder/General/Who-is-the-non-custodial-parent 6/1/2012 12:38:14 PM
A noncustodial parent can file a motion or application. Please note that while the court is still accepting filings with the required fee, your hearing date may be delayed and you are still responsible for the child support obligation. 
/COVID-19-FAQ/COVID-19-FAQs-Folder/Can-the-noncustodial-parent-file-a-motion-if-they 3/25/2020 5:26:40 PM
If the non-custodial parent doesn't pay, Probation will take steps to enforce the order. If not previously ordered, this may include requiring the non-custodial parent's employer to take money out of his or her pay, having the past-due amount taken out of a tax refund or lotte...
/Frequent-Questions/FAQs-Folder/Problems/What-if-the-non-custodial-parent-doesn-t-pay 6/1/2012 12:38:17 PM
Cases will be reviewed on a case by case basis, however please note that capacity for enforcement is reduced at this time. The status of a bench warrant can always be found online or by calling the NJFSSC at 1-877-NJKiDS1.
/COVID-19-FAQ/COVID-19-FAQs-Folder/If-the-noncustodial-parent-fails-to-make-payments 3/25/2020 5:26:06 PM
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