
Yes, cases will be reviewed on a case by case basis, however please note that capacity for enforcement is reduced at this time.
/COVID-19-FAQ/COVID-19-FAQs-Folder/Is-the-New-Jersey-Child-Support-Program-still-enfo 3/25/2020 5:33:35 PM
UNDER NEW JERSEY’S CHILD SUPPORT PROGRAM, PARENTS HAVE CERTAIN RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. A CUSTODIAL PARENT’S RIGHTS: To be notified of any action that significantly impacts the child support case; To receive payments on time; To get informa...
/Resources-Forms/Articles/Knowing-Your-Rights-and-Responsibilities-(CP)/Knowing-Your-Rights-and-Responsibilities-(CP) 6/22/2012 5:48:30 AM
UNDER NEW JERSEY’S CHILD SUPPORT PROGRAM, PARENTS HAVE CERTAIN RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. A CUSTODIAL PARENT’S RIGHTS: To be notified of any action that significantly impacts the child support case; To receive payments on time; To get informa...
/Articles/Knowing-Your-Rights-and-Responsibilities-(CP)/Knowing-Your-Rights-and-Responsibilities-(CP) 6/22/2012 5:48:30 AM
No, effective February 1, 2017, the statutory age of termination in New Jersey is 19. Once your child turns 18 and/or becomes financial independent, either you or the other parent may file papers with the court asking that the child be “emancipated.” Based on the facts, the co...
/Frequent-Questions/FAQs-Folder/Eligibility/Does-my-support-order-automatically-end-when-my-ch 6/1/2012 12:38:15 PM
The only payment method no longer available is cash at local offices. All other in-person retailer and online options remain unchanged. Please see all available payment options for more information.
/COVID-19-FAQ/COVID-19-FAQs-Folder/I-typically-make-my-child-support-payments-in-cash 3/25/2020 5:22:08 PM
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